I do not know about others but for me, I've always believe the journey to this particular destination, you have to be invited to go...at least for me.
Take me for example, I've been planning to go since 2008, but there're always obstacles..unlike going on normal holidays..I can just plan, packed and go. But for some people, I saw them planning and go without any hurdles (lucky them)
You peeps must be wondering (those who know I just joined this company) how I get to leave office for 2 whole weeks..yes, it's part of the agreement prior to my joining that I'll be allowed to take 2 weeks leave:)
...another thing, I'm worried sick that I will miss my babies...the thought of not seeing them for 2 whole weeks make me wanna cry each time..it's unbearable:( I wish they are big enough to follow me..weeks prior to this I was trying my best to be as cool as I can be even when they tend to misbehave a little bit..I bet they have been wondering what happened to my mommy????
I hope Allah will make it easy for me this time..and if I've ever offended anyone I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart
Till we meet again..InsyaAllah
take care
My doa & prayers with you dear, for this sprititual journey of life.....semoga diberkati Allah, amin..
semoga segala amalan dipermudahkan dan sentiasa deberkati olehNya, amin
alhamdulillah - yes dear it is called for not just boleh pergi ramai mampu takut pergi - so yes u are lucky
bila kita melawat tanah suci beribadat we leave the world behind and we put the trust in Allah. (memang sepatutnya sentiasa kan ) insyaAllah anak2 you dibawah lindunganNya sentiasa - u pg with hubby ye dear :)
alhamdulillah.. bila nak perginya?? masa ayu pergi.. ayu xsangka ayu dpt pergi secepat tu.. no plan langsung.. tup2 bila dpt bonus 2 thn lepas.. mak sound kata nak ikut pi umrah ke?? terus mulut kata yes... xpikir panjang.. ayu pergi w/out hubby & kids.. alhamdulilah.. segala berjalan gan lancarnya.. dpt restu from hubby.. :)
anak2 alhamdulilah depa ok bawah jagaan hubby ayu & maid. Bila lah ayu dpt pergi lagi nie.. rindu sgt nak kesana lagi..
My hearts and prayer goes to you sis...
Semuga selamat pergi dan seamat kembali lagi di berkati.
Allah will always be with you.InsyaAllah.
bila berangkat dear? i doaka semoga urusan u di sana dipermudahkan... semoga selamat pergi dan kembali dan mendapat ketenangan sambil menjalani ibadah, insyaAllah...
take care..
semoga perjalanan diberkati dan dirahmati...
selamat pergi dan selamat pulang...amin.. :)
alhamdulilah, dh tiba masanya pergi. semoga selamat pergi & balik dan dpt beribadat dgn tenang dan sempurna...take care dear...
semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan, selamat pergi & selamat pulang..
selamat beribadah :)
alhamdulillah...bestnya nak g sana..
insyaAllah, kalau dah niat kita nak beribadah dengan tenang,kita akan less pk pasal anak..
semoga selamat beribadah,selamat pergi dan balik.
jaga diri baik2...
rindu nak ke sana lagi...
Alhamdulillah..semoga semua dipermudahkan and your journey be blessed throughout..It's certainly gonna be a spiritual journey..
SM, insyaAllah...Allah akan mempermudahkan nanti... take care ya.
selamat menjalani umrah/haji. semoga mendapat keberkatan, jgn risau sangat about the babies. insyaAllah God will take care of them.
Yat : tq beb..alhamdulillah everything was smooth overthere in fact throughout the journey:)
Zarin : thnks dear..alhamdulillah semua selamat:)
Ermayum : alhmadulillah beb..the kids were happy with To'Ma around..I know they missed me but I guess they were in good hands so they only asked how long more I'll be back..at least ok laa i rasa tenang fikir they were having good times with their cousins:)
Ayu : betul beb..if allah nak senang je smua plan..everything kena doa
Hazeleyed : thanks so much:)) alhamdulillah semua ok:)
Lady : I pegi saturday cuti sekolah mula hari tu..thanks dear for the wishes..alhamdulillah slamat kembali
Workingmom : thanks a lot beb:)
CikAyu : thanks a lot beb..alhamdulillah tenang kat sana:)
Pinkerton : tq beb:) alhamdulillah mmg dipermudahkan urusan kat sana :)
CikE : mmg once dah pegi mmg akan sentiasa rindu nak pegi lagi dan lagi kan?
Ms Jab :thanks dear..alhamdulillah everything mudah kat sana. so basically we left almost the same time ya:)..this trip is long overdue for me
ICa : thnks beb..alhamdulillah selamat dah kembali:)
Dramamama : tq beb..yes, tu laa they were in good hands and having good times when I was not around:)
alhamdullillaah babe :)
its the call!
u surely gonna love it...one of a kind experience :D
not to worry about the kids...HE knows whats the best :)
have a safe journey babe...moga segala ibadah diberkati :)
selamat kembali...best sangat pi sana kan...as if tak ingat langsung pasal hiruk pikuk office, tenang damai je...i doakan semuanya ok dan selamat, amin...
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