My mom has gone back last Friday...huwaaaaa..!!! I never fail to cry when hugging her as we bid goodbye..I hate farewell...:( each time I feel I've never expressed enough love towards her everybody was quite emotional..suddenly my twin no 2 shouted "ehhh Tok Ma..tu Awan Dania yaaa..!!!" (pointed at the Firefly's stewardess, she cannot pronounce L properly)
Ok back to the recipe ..before she left she managed to prepare our favorite Sambal pauh Ikan Tawar..this is one of my favourite especially during fasting month..this sambal so yummy and good to stimulate your appetite during sahur;)
This recipe is very simple:
This recipe is very simple:
Grilled fish
Green unripe mangoes, shredded
Bird's eye chillies
salt to taste
Pound the fish lightly in a mortar to flatten, put aside
Pound the chillies well
combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well (don't forget salt)'s ready to can reduce the mango if you dont like the "too sourly" taste.
until next time...
lotsa luv,
babe! i suka i suka...this is one of my mom pun slalu buatkan..tadi tengok title je i dah kecur terliur macam haper je :D
Ye beb!! yummy kan???
tak pernah makan..tapi ingredientnye mmg dapat rasakan sedap nih.
i rasa i pernah makan but then tak sure lak ada mango ni ha but for sure tak pernah sesapa buat kan la
babe mana nya i m in love and clash of the titan takda pun i click lain gak yang keluar heheh
Nana : di jamin sedap..tak percaya tanya Zarin..hee..hee..betul beb sedap;)
Ermayum : haa..sedapkan sambal ni?
btw..tu posting kena tunggu..tgh queue..he..hee maklum skrg byk idea n masa nak tulis..
i ni dah la tak lunch lagi... terliur betul tengok... sedapnya dah lama i tak makan ni...
Lady : haaa..u pon tau ye sambal ni..ingat kan kg I je ada..ha..haa perasan je:)
Ni my feveret masa bulan puasa tapi kat Tganu takde. Lama dah tak makan..mmg sedap!!I slalu beli sambal pauh ni kat bazaar ramadhan kat stadium. My MIL pun slalu buatkan sbb dia tau I suka..
TK : haaaa?? u pun tau pasal sambal ni..memang i perasan je lah org tak tahu wujud sambal ni ye? hee..hee..apapun memang sedap kan?
sambal ni mmg sedap.i thought org from kb je tau pasal sambal ni hehe.ur mom asal mana?
Terima kasih untuk blog yang menarik
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