So the next year..I told my husband..if we have a boy, I'm going to stop having babies..we made a deal..then I got pregnant a year after...(didn't plan so immediate though...)
I suddenly felt very tired..came back after work, I just dozed off on the sofa couldn't do I told my husband.."if i'm not pregnant, I think I'm having a chronic desease or something that is better hope I'm pregnant"
but then..Allah has better plan.... taddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...double line showed up!!!....I froze for a moment..hoping it's a mistake...i was still in I went to a nearby clinic to get a doctor to confirm..the result came back...POSITIVE...huwaaaa!!!!!!
(very positive it's going to be a boy :))
Anyhow, I immediately bought the acid folic, waited until the 8th weeks to see the gynea..didnt tell anyone..keep the secret until i almost over my 1st trimester..I remembered my boss commented "hey I dont think having nasi lemak every morning is good you know..see you have gained so much weight.." darn..I was even more ambarassed..and out of no where I blurted out.."i'm pregnant laa..not fat"..
Come to think of it..what is it to be if having child out of wedlock;))
To my dear babies..
it's not mommy doesnt want's just that ...mommy was having a hormonal imbalance then..;)) no offense ya lallinggg;) and I dont regret a bit having you both..i wouldnt trade you for the world..or the pearls in the sea or the treasures in the kingdom..(ceewah bermadah pulak mommy..:)
until then..
hi dear!
nice reading ur story..heheh..i pun was hoping for a boy dulu tp dpt girl..anyway, happy jugak sbb boleh dress up cantik2 :-)
hehehe... thanks for sharing... agree with zarin, baby girl ni boleh pakaikan cantik2... kalau boy, pakai seluar je lah all the time kan..
heheh betul beranak 2 kali setahun pun apa kisah bukan haram , halallllllll but iyala dalam zaman sekarang planning is important kan - money matters maa heheh - alhamdulillah kira i ni kira well plan la (perasan) 7 yr, 5 yeras and 2 years and closed shop heheheh- you go girl - nanti twin da 3 years u start next production k kalu tak nak bagi i jaga heheh (just kidding):)
Zarin : Yes, sometimes, peringatan untuk kita dari Allah, dia tahu yg terbaik:)
Lady : now I'm glad sgt dpt girls..esp bab2 shopping baju diorg
Ermayum: Wow..very good planning:) that's what i planned dulu kasi gap sikit so takde laa hidup kelam kelibut cam I..he..hee:)
Hi! found you from Ermayum. I like your blog template. Ada one of my blogger friends in UK pkai exactly the same template.Anyway, rezeki anak jgn ditolak. I only have 2 kids. Menyesal dulu tak beranak ramai2 earlier. I wish I could turn back time and beranak sepuluh! Now dah x subur. I'll add you to my bloglist.
TK : sorry beb..baru perasan ur comment:) anyway i curi template from
ramai yg cakap..jgn bising anak ramai..rezeki tu..:)
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