I've been checking around for my next purchase of a reliable digital camera. Both of my olympus went dead. I've always love photography but never get a chance to really explore. Hence, as a beginning i was thinking to get a compact SLR which from my observation will give a hint of DSLR experience while the "compactness" and lightweight body make it possible to carry around on holidays with kids.
So..after few days of searching I was struck by this Leica D-Lux4 and I went to check it out at one of the store in KLCC which on the contrary suggested LUMIX LX3. According to that salesman "leica D-Lux4 and Lumix LX3 is like a peugeot branded as Naza" which initilly I went "eeeekkkkkkkksss" so I went back and study further from the other bloggers and forums which I would like to share here.(photos to show comparison of the 2 physically as I'm not an expert in photography the outlook somehow play an important factor to me:))
Red dot (leica) is definitely a beauty in my eyes..as I'm a sucker for brand..I realllyyyy hate this..but i've been dreaming to own a leica eversince i found it at a website. LEICA ..LEICA and LEICA.
BUT...after reading a lot of forums and comparisons of photos taken by the 2..I'm now contemplating. Price-wise LEICA RM3499, Lumix RM1799..what a difference. I even called photo shops in singapore to get their price..almost the same which I've decided to purchase it here in KL since not much different plus the aftersales service is easier as we can easily go back to the shop.
Ok..I've yet to decide..whatever it is..with this purchase I'll have to let go the needs for my year end handbag this year:(