Let's list down the barang2, this is for tray of A3 size
Ragu ( i selalu refer this as bolognese sauce sbb i used the same recipe cuma make it cair if i nak makan with spaghetti)
2 onion, chopped
3 carrots, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
3 tube of ground beef (I prefer ramlys's)
4 tablespoon olive oil (u can use vegetable oil)
2 chicken liver (optional for better taste, kalau leceh nak cari..tak ada pun takpe)
2 beef stock
1 cup of milk (full cream)
I can of tomato puree (not tomato paste)
Chopped onion
Chopped carrots
chopped celery
White sauce
5 spoons of butter (banyak pun tak apa)
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 beef stocks
ground black pepper to taste
2 cups milk (full cream milk)
1 packet instant lasagna noodles (guna dlm 8-10 sheets aje)
2 cups grated parmesan cheese
Cooking instructions;
Panaskan minyak..masak onions sampai layu, then letak ground beef, (kacau to avoid them sticking together) then masuk celery and ground pepper (onion + celery+ground pepper =hilangkan bau hamis ground beef)
then masukkan chicken liver , beef stock kacau..later masuk tomato paste, carrots and milk..kacau and bring to boil..lama sikit until it becomes thick. White sauce
masukkan milk..then butter kacau sampai butter melt, then masukkan beef stock and ground pepper
in a cup, kacau tepung and air sampai smooth..then slowly masukkan dlm periuk and whisk continously until really smooth and bring to boil dan angkatFinal step..
first put a thin layer of the ragu sauce
then susun the lasagna...
letak ragu sauce
Then layered with white sauce
later, letak parmesan cheese..the more the better:)
then repeat the whole process of layering sampai bekas penuh.....macam kat bawah ni
Dont forget to bake.....45-50m mins..depends on your preference..i selalu sampai cheese dah nampak brownish kat tepi2 tu
notes :
if you notice, I didnt put salt at all sbb beef stock and parmesan cheese dah cukup salty.
in this recipe, i find that celery dgn bawang is rather important, the more the better sebab rasa ground beef tak hamis.
Ragu sauce - if you want to eat with spaghetti you can cairkan kuah, add water sikit and add mushrooms as well as salt sikit.
White sauce tu..if u like (my kids love white sauce so much) so I what i did, I add parmesan cheese and sausage and it becomes ala carbonara..yummyyyy!!!!
Normally kalau I buat lasagna, i will have 3 different meals..lasagna, spaghetti bolognese and carbonara...:)Happy cooking y'all...
rajinnya... thanks for sharing... nampak sedap sungguh..
i memangla nak buat benda ni da lama but umah i takda oven sob sob :)heheh nampaknnya kena tukar microwave canggih sikit or beli oven bila la tu gamaknya :)
Lady: haa..haa..rajin tu not a suitable word ye:) ni sbb mak mertua suruh:)
ermayum : rasa segan pulak..recipe ni tak sebarapa laa compared to ur cooking yg lebih canggih manggih tu:)
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